Nanny Fifi

Keeping in touch with family and friends


Filed under: Blogs — fionawhaanga at 8:18 pm on Wednesday, June 14, 2017

It is so easy to find things wrong with our lives, be unhappy with what we have or with what we think life has dealt us. The grass is always greener etc etc…..I watch those UK property programmes on TV, thinking I would love to live in London or Edinburgh, or one of those cute villages, or the windswept Highlands.

Nearly three weeks ago, three of my grandchildren, who have always lived within a few kilometres from me, moved 180 kilometres away, to the city where my fourth grandchild lives. I miss all four of them terribly but I am trying to find the positive, and look forward to the special weekends and school holiday times we will have. It will be a different relationship – instead of being like a second mother, I will just be Nan. That could be nice.

Quite some time ago I decided I would find three things every morning I was looking forward to that day, and three things I was thankful for at the end of the day. At the moment there are quite a few things I am very thankful for, here are just some of them;


I have a home. A warm house that is all mine. On these cold nights I am so thankful I have a warm home and can afford to heat it.


I have a job. A busy job that I enjoy, but happily look forward to the weekends – which seem to come around very fast! and the school holidays which seem to come round even faster!


I live alone (technically) (most of the time) – except when Arahi calls in for a meal, a shower or the internet. His visits can be anything from one hour to five days, that’s what comes from living in a bus. But it does mean that most of the time I can please myself, eat what I want, watch what I want and go where I want. It takes a bit of getting used to but I think I quite like it.


I can indulge in my hobbies (even during the day!! without feeling guilty). That took some time believe me!



I can regularly visit the fantastic local library, where I spend many hours with my ridiculously long list of “books to read”.


I can manage my small section and even still grow some veges.

And I live in an awesome city that has everything I could possibly want, with all my family only two hours away.

So thankful xx




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